• Celebrate Recovery

    Celebrate Recovery meets Thursday nights at 6:00 (doors open at 5:30) at the Nazarene Outreach Center, 391 South Main Street, Richland Center, WI.

    While not directly a part of Solid Rock Counseling, my wife and I are co-facilitators of the local Celebrate Recovery chapter. It is a valuable resource for anyone with hurts, hang-ups, or habits. It is a Christ-centered 12-step recovery program based on the eight principles outlined in the Beatitudes found in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7). It is a ministry for anyone who is unable to change something in their life. As Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church states:

    “Because of sin, we’ve all hurt ourselves, we’ve all hurt other people, and others have hurt us. This means each of us needs repentance and recovery in order to live our lives the way God intended.”

    Celebrate Recovery is designed to do just that, and it is designed to deal with a multitude of issues (unlike programs like Alcoholics Anonymous that are specific to one area). It helps us get to the root cause of our issues by turning to and relying on God to heal us. A predominant saying in Celebrate Recovery is: “God does not waste a hurt.” What does that mean? Each of us has a story, one unique to us. Part of my story is that my then-girlfriend and I had an abortion. I kept that secret for 46 years before finally revealing it and letting God heal me. It is part of my story and I now use it to demonstrate God’s forgiveness and grace in my life.

    Childcare is provided.